[eng] Beggars in Spain Phoenix Pick
[en] [Science Fiction Megapack 10] • The 10th Science Fiction Megapack Wildside Press
[en] The 10th Science Fiction MEGAPACK™ Wildside Press
[en] Forever #01 - the Forever War Ridan Publishing
[en] [Dread Empire's Fall 3.50] • Investments (Dread Empire's Fall) Amazon Digital
[en] [The Great De-evolution 01] • The Last Astronaut Watch The World End Publications
[en] [Clarkesworld 80] • Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 80 Wyrm Publishing
[en] [Science Fiction Megapack 07] • The Seventh Science Fiction Megapack Wildside Press
[en] The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress Orb Books
[en] Stanger in a Strange Land Ace Books
[en] [Twenty Planets 01] • Arkfall Smashwords Edition
[en] Stranger in a Strange Land Ace Books
[en] [Metropolitan 01] • Metropolitan HarperPrism
[en] The Hemingway Hoax - Hugo and Nebula Winning Novella Phoenix Pick
[nl] Een Loflied Voor Leibowitz Born Amsterdam.