Found 592 books

[en] The Mathematical Theory of Communication University of Illinois Press

Claude E Shannon & Warren Weaver

[en] To Die for Honor Moriona Press

[en] A Garfield ® Guide to Online "Friends", Not the Same as Real Friends! Lerner Publications

Scott Nickel & Pat Craven & Ciera Lovitt & Jim Davis

[en] Logic and information flow MIT Press

Jan Eijck & Albert Visser

[en] Mealtimes Made Fun Struik Lifestyle

Wareham, Debbie

[en] Clarity PPM Fundamentals Apress

Velpuri, Rama & Das, Arpit

[en] Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Management (ALA Fundamentals) ALA Neal-Schuman an Imprint of the American Library Association

Verminski, Alana & Blanchat, Kelly Marie

[en] The Challenge of Library Management ALA Editions

vanDuinkerken, Wyoma

[en] Making IT Work MIT Press

Yost, Jeffrey R.