[en] Sky High (Three Contemporary Novella's) Amanda Weaver
[en] Galen's prophecy · temperament in human nature Westview Press
[en] Naked City Da Capo Press
[en] Adobe Lightroom for Digital Photographers New Riders Publishing
[en] Return to Painting Harper Perennial
[en] Ancient Terracottas From South Italy and Sicily in the J. Paul Getty Museum J. Paul Getty Museum
[en] Chasing Aphrodite Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
[en] Roman Mosaics J. Paul Getty Museum
[en] Flickr Hacks O'Reilly Media
[en] Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum J. Paul Getty Museum
[it] Brain. Il cervello. Istruzioni per l'uso Codice
[en] Launching Your Art Career Passion Project Publishing
[fr] [Gutenberg 52288] • L'art ochlocratique: salons de 1882 & de 1883 Forgotten Books
[en] [Gutenberg 4672] • The Galleries of the Exposition Palala Press