Found 57 books

[en] What Have We Done Little Brown and Company

[en] America's Modern Wars Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors

Lawrence, Christopher A.

[en] #Death, Shade It Black · & Iraq, After In Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors

Goodell, Jessica & Hearn, John

[en] Consequence · A Memoir Henry Holt and Co.

[fr] Mudwoman Ecco

Oates, Joyce Carol

[en] Firoozeh Dumas Villard

Adventures of an Iranian American, at Home & Abroad

[en] The End of Modern History in the Middle East Hoover Press/Stanford Univ.

Lewis, Bernard & Bernard Lewis is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University. A widely read expert on the Middle East, he is regarded as one of the West’s leading scholars on the region. He has published numerous books, the most recent of which he coauthored with Buntzie Ellis Churchill, Islam: The Religion and the People.