[en] ISIS · the Terror Nation Seven Stories Press
[en] The Islamist Phoenix Seven Stories Press
[en] [Dr. Scott James Thriller 01] • The Missile Game Mystery House
[hu] Kémek háza
[en] The Calling Kathryn Meyer Griffith
[en] Submarine Warfare D G Leigh
[en] The Cinnamon Garden La Venta West
[it] La vita di Isidor Katanic Bottega Errante Edizioni
[de] Ein Pint mit Mord (Ein Folly-on-Weir-Krimi 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Kein Wort zum Mord (Ein Folly-on-Weir-Krimi 4) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Je tiefer das Tal dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[it] La vita di Isidor Katanic Bottega Errante Edizioni
[hu] Kémek háza
[es] El Rey De Los Gigoló Edición Digital
[en] [Blood of the Isir 02] • Rooms of Ruin Ratatoskr Publishing
[en] All Lara's Wars Seven Stories Press
[en] Merchants of Men Seven Stories Press
[en] Assassin · the Terrifying True Story of an International Hitman Apostrophe Books
[pt] Uma Noite Histórica