[es] El gran Gatsby Emece
[nl] Schaduwschepen Tais Teng
[en] [Interzone 251] • Interzone 251 TTA Press
[en] [Interzone 251] • Interzone TTA Press
[de] Tödliche Zeilen dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Tod im Theater dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] Assassin · the Terrifying True Story of an International Hitman Apostrophe Books
[pt] Tolkien e a Grande Guerra HarperCollins Brasil
[en] [Philip and Emery 08] • Philip and the Fortune Teller Smashwords Edition
[en] [Gutenberg 6049] • Works of John Bunyan — Complete Niche Edition
[en] [The Chronicles of Servitude 02] • Sacrifice BHC Press/Open Window
[de] [John Sinclair 1935] • Die Templer-Waise Bastei/Lübbe Verlag
[de] [John Sinclair 1938] • Mit dem Segen der Holle Bastei/Lübbe Verlag
[en] Millionaire · The Philanderer, Gambler, and Duelist Who Invented Modern Finance Simon Schuster
[es] [Hector Cross 03] • El predador Emecé Editores, Buenos Aires
[en] Claimed by the Wolf (BWWM Erotic Paranormal Romance) Red Hots Books
[en] [The Otherworld Series 09] • Faeborne Jenna Elizabeth Johnson