[en] Remembering and the Sound of Words · Mallarmé, Proust, Joyce, Beckett Clarendon Press
[en] Joyce, Milton, and the Theory of Influence University Press of Florida
[fr] Folles Nuits Philippe Rey
[en] Bear (Kings of Carnage MC - Prospects Book 4) Carmen Jenner
[en] UNreal gods SP Clarke
[de] Die Buchhändlerin von Paris Insel Verlag
[fr] Journal 19736-1982 Philippe Rey
[en] Joyce's Voices Dalkey Archive Press
[en] Dublin's Joyce Columbia University Press
[en] 50 Rechazos Que Hicieron Historia Cooltura
[en] 50 Rejections That Shaped History Cooltura
[en] Flaubert, Joyce, and Beckett · the Stoic Comedians Dalkey Archive Press
[en] Wretchedness And Other Stories
[de] Winter Traffic Suhrkamp Verlag