[en] Godless: The Church of Liberalism Random House Digital, Inc.
[en] Liberal Moments: Reading Liberal Texts Bloomsbury
[en] Дядюшкин сон (Uncle's Dream) Interactive Media
[en] For a Positive Critique Arktos Media Ltd.
[en] That's Not Fair!: Progressivism and the Politics of Envy HarperCollins
[en] The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822 to 1889 University of British Columbia
[en] [Nullification 01] • Nullification · How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century Regnery Publishing
[en] Marked for Death · Islam's War Against the West and Me Regnery Publishing
[en] If Not Now, When? Writings in Defense of Europe Morningtime
[en] The Unwinding · an Inner History of the New America Farrar, Straus and Giroux
[en] The Grand Jihad · How Islam and the Left Sabotage America Encounter Books
[en] Who's Looking Out for You Three Rivers Press (CA)
[en] Crimes Against Liberty · an Indictment of President Barack Obama Regnery Publishing
[en] Rally Point Twelve