[en] Every Word Is a Bird We Teach to Sing Little Brown and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 3825] • Pygmalion Dover Publications
[en] How Children Learn - Book 2 Mark Allen Group
[en] Master of TESOL - a Collection of Course Essays RA. Chalmers Your English Success
[en] [Dummies 01] • Phonics for Dummies John Wiley & Sons
[el] Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook Zondervan
[en] Rousseau on Language and Writing Rousseau, etc.
[en] The Happiness Habit · Choose the Path to a Better Life Gill Books
[nl] [The Space Trilogy 01] • Out of the Silent Planet Scribner
[en] Captivated NineStar Press, LLC
[en] Captivated (The Verge Book 2) NineStar Press