[en] The Outlaws 4 Piccadilly
[en] [Louis Kincaid 01] • Dark of the Moon Pinnacle
[en] Skull Moon Amber Quill Press
[en] The Loner 3 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Finding Eliza Rebecca Hills Books
[en] [Gutenberg 64426] • Lynch Law in Georgia On Our Own Authority!
[en] [Gutenberg 14975] • Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases Bedford/St. Martin's
[en] [Gutenberg 50899] • Mam' Linda Echo Library
[en] [Gutenberg 59116] • Why is the Negro Lynched? Book on Demand Ltd.
[en] Dead In The West Night Shade Books
[en] The Bastard of Fort Stikine Goose Lane Editions
[en] Redwood and Wildfire Aqueduct Press
[en] What the River Washed Away Oneworld Publications
[en] Bridgetown, Issue #1 · Arrival Smashwords Edition