Found 124 books

[en] The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics Oxford University Press, USA

Eatwell, John & Milgate, Murray

[en] Towards a New Socialism Spokesman

Cockshott, W. Paul & Cottrell, Allin F.

[en] Macroeconomics MIT Press

B., Felipe Larraín

[fr] Financial Assets, Debt and Liquidity Crises · A Keynesian Approach Cambridge University Press

Charpe, Matthieu & Chiarella, Carl & Flaschel, Peter & Semmler, Willi

[en] The Theory of Political Economy Kessinger Publishing

Jevons, William Stanley

[en] Macroeconomics · Private and Public Choice South Western Educational Publishing

Gwartney, James D. & Stroup, Richard L. & Sobel, Russell S. & Macpherson, David A.