[en] Tiananmen Square Swift Press
[en] [9 Tales O' Cats 01] • 9 Tales O' Cats Gypsy Shadow Publishing Company
[de] Wie Alles Anfing Rotbuch
[en] Mao · A Life Holt Paperbacks
[en] Deng Xiaoping I. B. Tauris
[en] The Little Buddhist Monk / the Proof New Directions
[en] The Private Life of Chairman Mao Random House
[en] Amy's Hunt Inkspell Publishing
[en] Tane Mahuta New Zealand's famous icon Diana Gordon
[en] THE COMING OF THE MAORI--A Legend of New Zealand Abela Publishing
[it] Tainui a Trieste Giuseppe Gallina
[en] Soul of the Storm The Wild Rose Press
[de] Das Erbe von Broom Park (Regency Roman, Historisch, Liebe) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Rückkehr nach Chestnut Hill dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand Auckland University Press
[en] Traditional Songs of the Maori Auckland University Press