[en] [A Week in the Life 01] • A Week in the Fall of Jerusalem IVP Academic
[en] The Forgotten Sister Louise Hathaway
[de] Tödliche Zeilen dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Tod im Theater dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] Murder in Suburbia Five Mile Press
[en] The Girl Who Was a Gentleman (Victorian Romance, History) Digital Publishers
[en] The Girl Who Was a Gentleman Digital Publishers
[de] Herz aus Dornen · Das Geheimnis von Coal Manor Drachenmond Verlag
[it] Stravaganze romane. Guida alla Roma da visitare senza orario né biglietto (FIRSTonline con goWare) goWare e FIRSTonline
[en] [Mary Jane 02] • Finding Mary Jane Amy Sparling Books
[it] [Regan Reilly Mysteries # 11.50] • Il Biglietto Vincente Sperling & Kupfer
[en] Accidentally in Love with the Pilot Entangled Publishing, LLC (Lovestruck)
[en] [Ben Lee 02] • The Magic Black Belt, Ben Lee, Ben Lee: The Magic Black Belt Stone Arch Books
[en] [Henry Gresham 03] • The Coming of the King Peach Publishing
[en] Apprentice Wizards of Hope Gary J. Davies
[en] The Marseille Tarot Revealed Llewellyn Publications