[fr] Les Rois en Exil Nabu Press
[en] [Two Monarchies Sequence 03] • Staff & Crown Amazon Digital Services
[en] THE CROW PERI--A Turkish Fairy Tale Abela Publishing
[en] Raising Royalty · 1000 Years of Royal Parenting Dundurn
[en] Orwell's Faded Lion Imprint Academic
[en] [The Royal Romeos 01] • Red Hot Romeo Jenny Gardiner Books
[en] Kings of Georgian Britain Pen & Sword Books
[en] Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome Random House
[en] Alfred the Great Mint Editions
[en] Queen Victoria · Her Life and Reign Andrews UK
[en] Orgonomicon Boris D. Schleinkofer
[en] Alex Haley's the Autobiography of Malcom X (Maxnotes Ser) Research Education Association
[en] The Queen Mother · The Official Biography Vintage
[en] [Silverstar Mates 01] • Above the Storm Lea Kirk
[en] [The Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan 02] • Knight or Knave Tor Fantasy