[en] Fire and Redemption BWL Publishing Inc.
[en] [Mystic Cove 0.50] • Wild Irish Roots Park & Stowell
[en] [Secrets of Roseville 03] • The Touchstone of Raven Hollow Betty Bolte
[en] Patrick's Promise Smashwords Edition
[en] [Healing Ruby 02] • Breaking Matthew Jennifer H. Westall
[en] Energy Healing with the Kabbalah Llewellyn Publications
[en] Gnostic Healing Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
[en] A Healer for the Highlander (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance) Fiona Faris
[en] An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Book Tree
[en] Queen Victoria Sheba Blake Publishing
[en] Split Sense Lapdog Books
[en] Scholastique Mukasonga Archipelago
[en] [Hawkenlye 15] • The Winter King Severn House Publishers
[en] The Briar Club William Morrow
[en] The Frozen River Doubleday
[en] When a Lady Kisses a Scot Entangled Publishing, LLC