[en] God a Myth or a Reality Dreams Of A Better World
[un] Cahuac and the Sun
[eng] The Devotion of Delflenor R. Cooper
[en] An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Book Tree
[en] Queen Victoria Sheba Blake Publishing
[en] Lemuria & Atlantis Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
[en] Go for the Gold, Atalanta! Capstone
[en] [Rise of the Fianna 02] • Awakened Amaeris Designs Productions
[en] [Myth-O-Mania 08] • Go for the Gold, Atalanta! (Myth-O-Mania Book 8) Stone Arch Books
[en] [Myth-O-Mania 08] • Go for the Gold, Atalanta! Stone Arch Books
[en] Death Cultivator 3: A Sci-Fi Cultivation Adventure Shadow Alley Press
[en] [Twin Souls 03] • Qaletaqa CreateSpace
[en] [Ethereal Earth 01] • Hero Forged (Ethereal Earth Book 1) Josh Erikson
[en] Fallen Nation · Party at the World's End Mythos Media
[en] Lemuria & Atlantis Llewellyn Publications
[en] [School of Swords and Serpents 06] • Eternal Core Shadow Alley Press
[en] [Wolf Sirens 03] • Wolf Sirens Night Fall · What Rises Must Fall CreateSpace
[en] The Power of Seven Elsewhen Press