Found 25 books

[en] The Cowboy Bible and Other Stories Restless Books

Velázquez, Carlos

[en] The Last Narc · A Memoir of the DEA's Most Notorious Agent Renaissance Literary & Talent in conjunction with the proprietor

Berrellez, Hector

[en] The Conjugal Dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Mijares, Primitivo

[en] The Transmigration of Bodies And Other Stories

[en] Forget Me Not (Hostage Negotiation #3.5) Julie Coulter Bellon

Julie Coulter Bellon

[en] Sybernika Philistine Press

Whittaker, Patrick

[pt] Amando Pablo, Odiando Escobar Sudamericana

Vallejo, Virginia

[en] I'll Sell You a Dog And Other Stories

Villalobos, Juan Pablo

[en] A Prayer for Orion IVP Books

James, Katherine

[en] Freud on Coke Cutting Edge Press

[en] Bobby's Book Seven Stories Press

Davidson, Emily

[en] Naked Lunch · Restored Text Grove Press

Burroughs, William S.