[en] [Gutenberg 42058] • English Narrative Poems Tebbo
[en] [Gutenberg 1021] • The Congo, and Other Poems Borgo Press
[en] Bramah and the Beggar Boy blewointment/Nightwood Editions
[en] A Different Mirror for Young People Triangle Square
[en] [Gutenberg 17316] • Letters of a Soldier, 1914-1915 Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[es] Por quién doblan las campanas Debolsillo
[it] Vita e opinioni di Tristram Shandy, gentiluomo Mondadori
[it] Bohemien Minori La nave di Teseo
[it] ... che Dio perdona a tutti Feltrinelli Editore
[it] L'ultimo mozzo della Baquedano Guanda
[it] [Hap e Leonard 07] • Sotto Un Cielo Cremisi Fanucci
[es] Insondable Autor - Editor
[es] Las islas vertebradas Playa de Ákaba
[es] El Enterrador De Muñecas Punto de Lectura