Found 189 books

[en] Hacking the Earthship Smashwords Edition

Prinz, Rachel Preston

[en] Kong · King of Skull Island Copyright 1957 LLC

Strickland, Brad & DeVito, Joe & Michlig, John

[en] R Deep Learning Essentials Packt Publishing - ebooks Account

[en] Python Machine Learning Blueprints Packt Publishing

Combs, Alexander

[en] Machine Learning With Go Packt Publishing

Whitenack, Daniel

[en] Passive Solar Architecture Chelsea Green Publishing Company

Bainbridge, David & Haggard, Ken

[en] Intelligent Projects Using Python Packt Publishing Limited

Pattanayak, Santanu

[en] Natural Language Processing in Action Manning Publications

Lane, Hobson & Howard, Cole & Hapke, Hannes

[en] Hands-On Machine Learning With C++ Packt Publishing

Kolodiazhnyi, Kirill

[en] Soap Crafting Storey Publishing, LLC

Faiola, Anne-Marie

[en] Nom Nom Paleo · Food for Humans Andrews McMeel Publishing

Tam, Michelle & Fong, Henry