[en] Governor's Tribute Target Yonder
[en] [Gutenberg 1164] • The Iron Heel Librivox
[en] [A Maggie MacGowen Mystery 11] • Number 7, Rue Jacob Perseverance Press
[en] [Litchfield Family 01] • The Devil's Handshake BRIGHTQUART
[it] Populismi · Il "Movimento 5 Stelle" e la "Alternativa per la Germania" (Bussole) Bibliotheka Edizioni
[en] Cornucopia John Francis Kinsella
[es] América Latina. La Construcción Del Orden 2 Ariel Argentina
[es] América Latina. La Construcción Del Orden Ariel
[es] La Dama De Noche Ed. Emecé