[en] The Parliament Comedy Frank Agyenim-Boateng
[en] Where Destiny Plays Viridium Press
[en] To Tempt a Scandalous Lord Entangled Publishing, LLC
[en] The London Quiz Book Andrews UK Limited 2013
[en] To Tempt a Scandalous Lord (Once Upon a Scandal) Entangled Publishing, LLC
[en] The Future of Scotland Yard Liza OConnor
[en] Scottish Political System Since Devolution Imprint Academic
[en] 101 Amazing Facts about the Royal Family Auk Authors
[en] Courtesan of the Saints Ulverscroft
[en] [Gutenberg 50790] • The Growth of Parliament and the War with Scotland (1216-1307) Book on Demand Ltd.
[en] [Gutenberg 46106] • The Scottish Parliament Before the Union of the Crowns Pyrrhus Press
[en] [Gutenberg 47413] • His Maiesties Declaration, touching his Proceedings in the late Assemblie and Conuention of Parliament Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill