[en] Usok · the Webzine of Fantastic Filipino Fiction (Issue 1) Rocket Kapre
[en] Usok - the Webzine of Fantastic Filipino Fiction (Issue 1) Rocket Kapre
[vi] KHỈ VÀ CHUỒN CHUỒN / The Monkeys And The Dragonflies Dino Lingo
[en] [Gutenberg 14839] • Filipinas Dentro De Cien Años (Estudio Politico-Social) Linkgua ediciones SL
[nl] [Gutenberg 46936] • Een Bezoek aan de Philippijnsche Eilanden ’S GRAVENHAGE, H. C. SUSAN, C. HZ.
[en] Esperanza Street And Other Stories
[en] [Gutenberg 59920] • The Little Gods: A Masque of the Far East Boston : Little, Brown, and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 47815] • Francisco the Filipino Wentworth Press