Found 67 books

[en] Figments of Reality · the Evolution of the Curious Mind Cambridge University Press

Stewart, Ian & Cohen, Jack

[en] Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences Columbia University Press

Althusser, Louis & Rendall, Steven & Gillot, Pascale

[en] Pseudoscience MIT Press

Kaufman, Allison B. & Kaufman, James C.

[pt] [Coleção Saberes do Direito 30] • Direito empresarial IV Editora Saraiva

Sanchez, Alessandro & Gialluca, Alexandre

[en] [Gutenberg 36288] • The Plurality of Worlds University of Chicago Press

Whewell, William

[en] Cut of the Real Columbia University Press

Laruelle, Francois, Kolozova, Katerina