Found 60 books

[en] Daughters of 1968 University of Nebraska Press

Greenwald, Lisa

[en] The Hillary Doctrine Columbia University Press

Hudson, Valerie M.

[en] Governance in the New Global Disorder, Politics for a Post-Sovereign Society Columbia University Press

Innerarity, Daniel & Sassen, Saskia & Kingery, Sandra

[en] The Holocaust and the Nakba, A New Grammar of Trauma and History Columbia University Press

Bashir, Bashir & Goldberg, Amos

[en] Voices of the Arab Spring Columbia University Press

al-Saleh, Asaad

[en] Trigger Warnings Scribe Publications

[en] Asian Waters The Overlook Press

Hawksley, Humphrey

[en] Restless Continent The Overlook Press

Wesley, Michael

[en] Growing Pains Scribe

[en] The Idea of Europe The Overlook Press

Steiner, George

[en] Duterte Harry Scribe UK

Miller, Jonathan

[en] Pills, Powder, and Smoke Scribe Publications

Loewenstein, Antony

[en] Chinese Spies Scribe Publications

Faligot, Roger

[en] The Devouring Dragon Not Avail