[en] Madrid · The History I.B.Tauris
[en] [Gutenberg 43852] • The Revolutions of Portugal Forgotten Books
[en] A Drizzle of Honey: The Life and Recipes of Spain's Secret Jews St. Martin's Publishing Group
[en] Isabella of Castile · Europe's First Great Queen Bloomsbury USA
[pt] História de Portugal A Esfera dos Livros
[en] Mediterranean by Cruise Ship Ocean Cruise Guides Ltd.
[en] The Battle for Spain · the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 Penguin Books
[pt] [Gutenberg 34276] • A Vista Alegre: apontamentos para a sua historia Quality Classics
[en] The Spanish Civil War · Reaction, Revolution, and Revenge (Revised and Expanded Edition) W. W. Norton Company
[en] Ghosts of Spain · Travels Through a Country's Hidden Past Faber and Faber