[en] Edgar Cayce · an American Prophet Riverhead Hardcover
[en] Miami Psychic William Morrow
[en] A Seer Out of Season · the Life of Edgar Cayce St. Martin's Paperbacks
[en] Gang Leader for a Day · A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets Penguin Press
[en] Extraordinary Things Happen to Ordinary People Local Legend Publishing
[en] Aura Child Local Legend Publishing
[fr] L'Herbe Du Diable Et La Petite Fumee 10/18
[en] Trump on the Couch, Inside the Mind of the President Avery Publishing Group
[en] Final Salute PENGUIN group
[it] Al Caffè Degli Esistenzialisti Fazi Editore
[it] Dieci Giorni in Manicomio Edizione Clandestine
[tr] Ecce Homo - Kişi Nasıl Kendisi Olur Penguin
[fr] [Freud - Articles 46] • Léonard de Vinci était-il un homosexuel inhibé ? In Libro Veritas (www.inlibroveritas.net)
[en] Introducing Nietzsche Icon Books Ltd
[en] The Stargate Chronicles · Memoirs of a Psychic Spy Hampton Roads Publishing Company
[en] The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump Thomas Dunne Books