[fr] L'Homme Moïse Et La Religion Monothéiste Points
[en] Darwin's Cathedral · Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society University of Chicago Press
[es] Eclipse de Dios. Estudios sobre las relaciones entre religión y filosofía Fondo de Cultura Economica USA
[it] [Jung's Collected Works 11] • Opere vol. 11 · Psicologia e religione Bollati Boringhieri
[cs] [The Teachings of Don Juan 01] • Učení Dona Juana Volvox Globator
[cs] [The Teachings of Don Juan 12] • Aktivní tvář nekonečna Volvox Globator
[cs] [The Teachings of Don Juan 05] • Druhý kruh síly Volvox Globator
[cs] [The Teachings of Don Juan 09] • Umění snít Volvox Globator
[en] Words That Matter · A Little Book of Life Lessons HarperCollins e-books
[pt] [Joseph Campbell and Power of Myth 01] • O Poder Do Mito Palas Athena
[it] [The Teachings of Don Juan 02] • Una Realtà Separata Astrolabio