[en] Five Rings eXtasy eBooks
[en] Playing with the Band Dee Dawning
[en] Alphas' Mate Siren
[en] Quintessentially Perfume Quintessentially Publishing Ltd
[en] [The Quintessence Cycle 02] • Soulbreaker Golden Arm Press
[en] [The Quintessence Cycle 1.50] • Soulsworn Golden Arm Press
[pt] [Romances de Emmanuel 01] • Paulo E Estêvão Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
[it] Krzysztof Kieslowski Il Castoro
[en] [Love and Warfare 01] • For Life or Until Not Avail
[pt] [Coleção L&PM Pocket 538] • Ora Bolas · O Humor De Mário Quintana Artes E Oficios
[en] To Deceive an Empire · Love and Warfare Series Book 3 Cave Books
[pt] A Garota Que Perseguiu a Lua Editora Planeta