[nl] [Driven 02] • Begeerd JKB Publishing
[nl] [Driven 02] • Begeerd JKB Publishing
[en] [The Arc of the Universe 01] • The Arc of the Universe Smashwords
[en] [Makaen Warriors 02] • Alien Goddess · Kat Zina Wes
[en] Greegs & Ladders Mitchell Mendlow
[en] [Ted and Poudlum 03] • Trouble on the Tombigbee JuneBug Books
[en] [Warhammer 40,000 01] • [Yarrick 02] • Yarrick: The Pyres of Armageddon Black Library
[en] Death by Equine Annette Dashofy
[en] Chavasse 2 - Year of the Tiger Berkley
[en] Those About to Die eNet Press Inc.
[en] Bound for Canaan: The Epic Story of the Underground Railro Harper Collins
[en] The Myth of the Blood: The Genesis of Racialism Arktos Media Ltd.
[en] Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States University of Minnesota Press
[en] World on Fire Random House
[en] Islamism and Islam YaleUP
[en] Smart Girl L.J. Breedlove