[en] Gospel-Shaped Marriage Crossway
[en] Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy Crossway Books
[en] Echoes of Exodus Crossway Books
[en] Intimate Deception Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia Crossway Books
[en] Healing the Wounded Heart Workbook Baker Books
[en] Untangling Emotions Crossway Books
[en] The Quest for God and the Good Columbia University Press
[en] [Katharina and Martin Luther 01] • Katharina and Martin Luther Baker Books
[en] Couponing for the Rest of Us Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] The Making of Biblical Womanhood Baker Publishing Group
[en] After Christianity Columbia University Press
[en] Rhythms of Rest Baker Publishing Group
[en] Subverting the Leviathan Columbia University Press
[en] Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought Baker Academic
[en] Divine Sex Brazos Press
[en] Christian Women in the Patristic World Baker Academic