Found 81 books

[en] Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels Baylor University Press

Hays, Richard B.

[en] Cosmology in Theological Perspective Baker Academic

Vainio, Olli-Pekka

[en] Christo-Fiction Columbia University Press

Laruelle, François

[en] The New King James Version Thomas Nelson

Farstad, Arthur L.

[en] The Age of the Spirit Baker Books

Tickle, Phyllis

[en] Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory Brazos Press

Walls, Jerry L.

[en] Let the Nations Be Glad! Baker Academic

[en] Covenant and Communion Brazos Press

Hahn, Scott W.

[en] Across the Spectrum Baker Academic

[en] God of the Possible Baker Books

Boyd, Gregory A.

[en] Willing to Believe Baker Books

[en] How to Be an Atheist Crossway Books