[en] Recovering Baker Academic
[en] Sustaining Ministry Baker Academic
[en] Reformed Systematic Theology Crossway
[en] Finding the Right Hills to Die On Crossway
[en] Eyes of the Heart, the · Seeing God's Hand in the Everyday Moments of Life Bethany House Publishers
[en] The Measure of Our Success, an Impassioned Plea to Pastors Baker Books
[en] Building the Body Baker Books
[en] Planning Small Groups With Purpose Baker Books
[en] The Cross and Christian Ministry Baker Books
[en] Friendship Baker Academic
[en] Reformed Preaching Crossway Books
[en] Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Loyola Press
[en] Reformed Systematic Theology Crossway Books
[en] When Your Church Feels Stuck Baker Books
[en] What the Bible Says about How to Know God's Will Crossway Books
[en] The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self Crossway
[en] Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms Baker Academic
[en] Why Your Kids Misbehave—and What to Do About It Oasis Audio
[en] The Great Christ Comet Crossway Books
[en] When Your Kid Is Hurting Fleming H. Revell Company