[en] Roadside Picnic
[en] Behold the Man Harry N. Abrams
[en] Lord of Light Harper Voyager
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 81] • The Food of the Gods CreateSpace
[en] [Heechee Saga 03] • 3-Beyond the Blue Event Horizon Ballantine Books: Feb1980
[en] Centauri Device Millennium
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 82] • The Body Snatchers Atria Books
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 33] • Non-Stop Gollancz
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 70] • Mockingbird Del Rey
[en] Book of Skulls Del Rey
[en] Abides, Earth Del Rey
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 12] • Earth Abides Del Rey
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 98] • Odd John Gollancz
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 42] • Bring the Jubilee Gollancz
[en] [Eternal Champion 10] • Dancers at the End of Time Orion Publishing Group
[en] Dangerous Visions iBooks
[en] [Masterworks of Science Fiction 61] • Child Garden Gollancz