Found 1225 books

[en] The Battle of the Bismarck Sea Air Power Development Centre

Gilbert, Gregory P.

[en] Contact!: a novel of the Pacific War ZING Communications, Inc.

DiLouie, Craig

[en] [Crash Dive 04] • Contact! ZING Communications, Inc.

DiLouie, Craig

[en] [Crash Dive 05] • Hara-Kiri ZING Communications, Inc.

DiLouie, Craig

[en] [Crash Dive 06] • Over the Hill ZING Communications, Inc.

DiLouie, Craig

[en] [Alan Lewrie 09] • King's Captain St. Martin's Griffin

Lambdin, Dewey

[en] Oathsword Griff Hosker

[en] A History of the Royal Navy I. B. Tauris

Farquharson-Roberts, Mike

[en] Distant Gunfire W & B Publishers