Found 1996 books

[en] Cowboys Under the Mistletoe · Five Christmas Christian Romance Novellas Rejoice Romance, a division of Laurel Lock Publishing

Ethridge, Kristen & Favorite, Danica & Isaacson, Liz & Kastner, Deb & Keller, Jessica

[en] Alexandra's Appeal · A Christian Romance (Dixon Brothers Book 3) Olivia Kimbrell Press, Incorporated

Bridgeman, Hallee

[en] Mercy · Second Chance Military Romance Bad Boy Romance Books Dot Com

[en] The Encore Tour: A Second Chance Rockstar Romance (Amaryllis Romance Book 2) RhetAskew Publishing (a division of Rhetoric Askew, LLC)

Mandy Melanson

[en] The Ranger's Chance (Army Ranger Romance Book 1) Bree Livingston Publishing LLC

Bree Livingston