Found 84 books

[en] Journeying Between the Worlds Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

Skyfire, Eagle

[en] Cosmic Consciousness White Crow Books

Bucke, Richard Maurice

[en] Albina and the Dog-Men Restless Books

Jodorowsky, Alejandro

[en] Vodou Love Magic Destiny Books

[en] The Emergence of the Shaman Zimbell House Publishing

Farnsworth, E.W.

[en] Pride, A Dance of Flames The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

Cait O'Sullivan

[en] The Emergence of the Shaman Zimbell House Publishing

E.W. Farnsworth

[en] Land Without Evil Charles Publishing Company

Pallamary, Matthew J.

[en] The World of Shamanism Llewellyn Publications

[en] Shamanic Breathwork Bear Company

Wolf, Linda Star