[en] Northshore Writers Anthology Northshore Press
[en] [Dark 01] • Fear of the Dark · An Anthology of Dark Fiction Horror Bound Publications
[en] [International Speculative Fiction 01] • International Speculative Fiction 2012 Annual Anthology International Speculative Fiction
[en] L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 38 Galaxy Press
[en] [International Speculative Fiction 01] • The International Speculative Fiction 2012 Annual Anthology International Speculative Fiction
[en] Deep Dream, Science Fiction Exploring the Future of Art The MIT Press
[en] International Speculative Fiction #5 International Speculative Fiction in association with Hipper Tiger and IndieBookLauncher.com
[en] International Speculative Fiction #4 International Speculative Fiction in association with Hipper Tiger and IndieBookLauncher.com
[en] International Speculative Fiction #3 ASiFF
[en] [Bloodline Trilogy 01] • Stories of Hope Odyssey Books
[en] Conmergence · An Anthology of Speculative Fiction Tara Maya
[en] Stories of Hope Deadset Press
[en] Usok · the Webzine of Fantastic Filipino Fiction (Issue 1) Rocket Kapre
[en] Usok - the Webzine of Fantastic Filipino Fiction (Issue 1) Rocket Kapre
[en] Where the Weird Things Are Deadset Press
[en] Wicked in Glimmerspell: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel (Hot Flash Homicides Book 2) Hollis Thatcher Press, LTD.