[en] Hotel Secrets AG Books
[en] The Hotel New Hampshire Pocket Books
[en] Hotels of North America Little Brown and Company
[en] Hotel Secrets From the Travel Detective Villard Books
[pt] O Hotel Na Place Vendôme Intrínseca
[en] Hotel (Object Lessons) Bloomsbury Academic
[en] Strange Hotel Faber Faber
[en] Hotel Honolulu Mariner Books
[es] Hotel Florida Farrar, Straus and Giroux
[en] The Hotel Years New Directions
[de] [Romantic Escapes 04] • Das kleine Hotel auf Island Rowohlt
[en] The Pink Hotel Picador
[en] Hotel Pastis Vintage
[en] Hotel Babylon Berkley Books
[es] Hotel Nómada (Libros Del Tiempo) Ediciones Siruela
[en] The Hotel on the Roof of the World RDR Books
[hu] Hotel Pastis Vintage
[en] The Hotel Years · Wanderings in Europe Between the Wars Granta Books