[en] [Brides of Pelican Rapids 01] • Lottie's True Love Independently Published
[en] Miranda Takes a Stand Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc
[en] [Manchester Women 02] • Miss Thorne Blossoms Desert Breeze Publishing, Incorporated
[es] Surgimiento Y Auge Del Neokantismo Fondo de Cultura Económica
[es] Surgimiento Y Auge Del Neokantismo. La Filosofía Universitaria Alemana Entre El Idealismo Y El Positivismo (Filosofia) Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico
[en] [Shatterhand 02] • Shatterhand and the People Piccadilly Publishing
[en] [A Piccadilly Publishing Western 09] • Talman's War Piccadilly Publishing
[en] [Hawke & Carmody 02] • Canyon of the Long Shadows Raging Bull Publishing
[en] [The Govain Cowboys 01] • The Cowboy's Fate Janalyn Knight
[en] The Smoky Years AmazonEncore
[en] Smoky Years, The AmazonEncore
[en] The Texas Food Bible Grand Central Life & Style
[en] [Gutenberg 49753] • Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768 Gale Ecco, Sabin Americana