[de] Wie Alles Anfing Rotbuch
[de] Die Melodie der Toten (Marsh & Daughter ermitteln-Reihe 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Megan Malone und der Tote im Teich (Megan Malone ermittelt-Reihe 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Ein Pint mit Mord (Ein Folly-on-Weir-Krimi 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Kein Wort zum Mord (Ein Folly-on-Weir-Krimi 4) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Je tiefer das Tal dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] [Constable Evans 01] • Tödliches Idyll dp Digital Publishers
[de] [Alice Stafford 01] • Mord mit Milch und Zucker dp Digital Publishers
[es] [Doctor Who · Eighth Doctor Adventures 58] • History 101 Random House UK
[fr] [Doctor Who · Past Doctor Adventures 10] • The Hollow Men BBC Books
[de] Tödliche Zeilen dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] [Abbot Peter Mystery 02] • A Psychiatrist, Screams Darton Longman and Todd
[en] [Alice Haydon Mystery 01] • Paint a Murder Magenta Lily Publishing