Be Your Brand · From Unknown to Unforgettable in 60 Days

Be Your Brand · From Unknown to Unforgettable in 60 Days
Hillyer, Regan
Regan Hillyer International
brand building , business coach , marketing , business , motivation , serial entrepreneur , success , business life
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“As I sit here writing this in Bali, Indonesia, it really all feels like a blur. 60 days ago I was in a place where I was confused, overwhelmed and seriously lacking focus when it came to my personal brand. The biggest reason was, simply, because I didn’t have a personal brand!

I was the person who could have gone in 20 different directions. Should I be this? Should I create this? Should I launch this? What if it doesn’t work? The questions were endless.

Fast forward 60 days and I sit here with a well established brand, that is already in profit, clearly defined by physical results.

And I’m here to tell you that you can do this too.

Among the confusion and the questions and the lack of clarity, there’s one thing I know for sure. You ABSOLUTELY have a personal brand that just hasn’t been established yet. You are an incredible, unique, amazing individual, unlike any other person walking the planet right now. You have a message, a voice, a soul. Yet here’s the challenge right now. You’re not branded.

Or, you’re not branded well.

Because here’s what’s interesting… 60 days ago, I was the same me as I am right now. I was still Regan. I had the same values, the same beliefs, the same mission and the same voice. I just wasn’t positioning myself right, or, at all… I wasn’t stepping 100% into my greatness, simply because I didn’t know HOW.

Now, if you’re someone who is a little afraid (or hugely afraid!) to step 100% into your greatness, that’s normal and you need to get to work on YOU and your mindset, but, that’s not what this book is about. This book is designed to give you the strategy. The step by step system as to how I went from being globally unknown to now being unforgettable, in just 60 days.

We’re talking being in thousands of dollars of profit, connecting with key people of influence, being picked up by huge media outlines internationally, speaking on international stages, tripling my social media presence, having a much bigger impact than ever before and playing a much, MUCH bigger game.

The question is, are YOU ready to Be Your Brand…?

Sit back, relax, enjoy unlocking the full system to developing, launching and accelerating your true message.

Then of course, go out into the world and take massive action.
