Farrah in Fairyland

Farrah in Fairyland

You may think that you know about the mythical beings known as fairies, but the truth will shock you.

14-year old Farrah Fancycracker hates her life. Although she lives in Fairyland, the most wondrous place in the universe, her talents have been wasted. As a small-winged Ordinaria fairy, she is not permitted to practice the Pixie Arts to become a Tooth Fairy. Only the Superiora, the so-called ‘elite,’ big-winged fairies are allowed to explore the full extent of their powers at the Pixie Academy.

Everything changes after a vicious attack from the Cornuto creatures. With Fairyland at the brink of extinction, the Fairy Queen calls upon all fairies, both Ordinaria and Superiora alike. Having unexpectedly discovered that she is in fact a Tuttatti fairy, the most powerful fairy in Fairyland, the fate of the land now rests in the hands of Farrah. Will Farrah seize this opportunity to show Fairyland just how powerful she really is?

An epic Young Adult Fantasy that follows the adventures a young wannabe Tooth Fairy named Farrah Fancycracker.