[Valdemar: Gótica 58] • Trilogía Del Abismo
• This edition binds Hodgson's most famous novel: The House on the Borderland (1908) with its prequel The Boats of the Glen Carrig (1907) and sequel The Ghost Pirates (1909). The trilogy includes:
The House on the Borderland (1908)
By far the most popular of Hodgson's novels, The House on the Borderland is a supernatural horror story. In a plot which is said to have been taken from an 1877 manuscript, two gentlemen, Messrs Tonnison and Berreggnog, are en route to Ireland for a week of fishing in Kraighten. While there, they find the diary of the man who once owned the property, and the diary hints at an evil beyond anything they could have ever imagined.
American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft lists this and other Hodgson works to be among his greatest influences.
The Boats of the Glen Carrig 1907)
A passenger travelling on the ship Glen Carrig is among those lost at sea when the vessel strikes a hidden rock. What follows is the story of the survivors who escaped the wreck in two lifeboats.
The Ghost Pirates (1909)
This book was described by Lovecraft as: ""a powerful account of a doomed and haunted ship on its last voyage, and of the terrible sea-devils."