[Gutenberg 733] • History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3 1

[Gutenberg 733] • History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3 1
Gibbon, Edward
rome -- history -- empire , byzantine empire -- history -- to 527 , history , 30 b.c.-476 a.d. , classics
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Font adjustments ] volumes IV, V, and VI in 1788–89. The original volumes were published in quarto sections, a common publishing practice of the time. The work covers the history of the Roman Empire, Europe, and the Catholic Church from 98 to 1590 and discusses the decline of the Roman Empire in the East and West. Because of its relative objectivity and heavy use of primary sources, unusual at the time, its methodology became a model for later historians. This led to Gibbon being called the first "modern historian of ancient Rome".