Kill or Get Killed

- Authors
- Us Military Marine
- Date
- 2019-03-03T00:00:00+00:00
- Size
- 30.78 MB
- Lang
- en
Over 390 total pages .... contains the following publications:
FM 5-103 Survivability
MCRP 3-02H Survival, Evasion And Recovery
MCRP 3-02F Survival
MCRP 3-02E The Individual's Guide for Understanding and Surviving Terrorism
FMFRP 12-80 Kill or Get Killed
Extrait :
Kicks to Stun or Kill. once an opponent has been downed, the rest of the job should be done with the feet. This can bc wcomp]ished by n toc kick to the temple, throat or arm pit ~rea, or by driving the bock edge of the heel into the ribs, face, heart, stolll;lch, thnmt, kidney or groin areas.....
THE US ARMY SURVIVAL is the finest single self-reliance source for survival for all extreme circumstances, a must for anyone who wants to know how to survive any conditions. The book is very straightforward with many pictures and user-friendly illustrations, written in easy-to-understand language. This is just some of the survival information that this book provides: All-climates: arctic, tropics, temperate forest, savannah or desert. All-terrain survival tactics. The Will to Survive. Identify poisonous snakes, as well as edible and non-edible plants. Wilderness medicine. Techniques on first aid. Survival in the hottest or coldest of climates. How to find water. Covers navigation and compass use. Weapons and Tools. Building life-saving shelters. Traps and snares. How to prepare wild game to be cooked also preserving food. All types of fire making. Water Crossings. Physical and mental fitness. Disaster preparedness. Again this is just some of the survival information is this book ....