Learn to Program with Scratch 25c2 25b7 A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math

Learn to Program with Scratch 25c2 25b7 A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math
Marji, Majed
No Starch Press
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Scratch is a fun, beginner-friendly programming environment popular in schools around the world. Its playful, intuitive interface uses colorful programming blocks and cartoon sprites to make real programming more approachable. Learn to Program with Scratch shows just how much you can do with Scratch and teaches you essential, universal programming concepts along the way.

In Learn to Program with Scratch , author Majed Marji takes you on a tour through Scratch's surprisingly powerful features to teach programming concepts like procedures, variables, loops, recursion, decision making, and lists. You will use your new-found skills to create science simulations, math projects, and even some fun arcade games! Each chapter offers a summary and practice exercises at the end to make sure the lessons stick.

Scratch is an incredibly fun and easy language to learn, plus you can do some seriously potent programming with it. Learn to Program with Scratch will help you get the most out of Scratch and begin your journey into the world of programming.