[Gutenberg 1659] • The Girl with the Golden Eyes

[Gutenberg 1659] • The Girl with the Golden Eyes

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About The Girl with the Golden Eyes by Honoré de Balzac

Settle in for a titillating tale of illicit passion, romantic entanglement, and murder. Honore de Balzac's novella The Girl With the Golden Eyes highlights the French writer's skillful ability to convey truths about the darker nature of humanity through perfectly wrought details and observations. A must-read for fans of classic European literature, or for readers who love a healthy dose of psychological complexity with their mysteries. Sexual attraction, artistic insight, and the often ironic relationship between them are the dominant themes in the works by Balzac collected in this volume. In a nearly boroque rendering with erotically charged details as well as lush and extravagant language, The Girl with the Golden Eyes tells the story of a rich and ruthless young man in nineteenth century Paris caught up in an amorous entanglement with a mysterious beauty. His control slipping, incest, homosexuality, sexual slavery, and violence combine in what was then, and still remains, a shocking and taboo-breaking work.