Yoga for Beginners · A Quick Start Yoga Guide to Burn Fat, Strengthen Your Mind and Find Inner Peace

Yoga for Beginners · A Quick Start Yoga Guide to Burn Fat, Strengthen Your Mind and Find Inner Peace
Chase, Jenny
Good Living Publishing
self help
1.97 MB
Downloaded: 71 times

Yoga has become increasing popular in recent years - it has been adopted by everyone ranging from children to celebrities and from the elderly to high level athletes.

This wide-spread adoption and love for yoga is not surprising once you begin to understand how powerful yoga can be for both the body and the mind.

What are some of the incredible benefits of practicing yoga?

\- Burn Body Fat

\- Strengthen Your Muscles

\- Tone Your Stomach

\- Find Inner Peace and Reduce Stress

\- Improve Your Cognitive Functioning

\- And Many, Many More

This book is a bible for all things yoga.

Not only does it cover everything you need to know about yoga and how to practice it also comes packed with the following (and much more):

\- How to Get Started With Yoga

\- What Foods to Eat for Accelerated Results

\- Over 55 Yoga Poses Ranging From Beginner to Advanced

\- 18 Specifically Designed Yoga Routines You Can Start Today

In today's high stress, fast paced world yoga is one of the most powerful practices you can adopt to ensure your body and mind stays healthy. But don't think you have to give up any other exercise routines you do... Yoga is supplemental to all other fitness routines.

If you've ever wanted to start practicing yoga this book is a must have for you.

It will give you everything you need to know about yoga and also comes packaged with an awesome free gift.

So, what's stopping you?