The Country of the Blind and Other Stories [With Biographical Introduction]

The Country of the Blind and Other Stories [With Biographical Introduction]
Wells, H.G.
Ryetown Classics
fantasy , science fiction , classics
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The feature story The Country of the Blind is about a mountain climber who discovers a civilization where everyone is blind and who have developed unique ways of using their other senses. They notice that their new arrival is very different from them and insist that he surgically remove his eyes if he wants to stay in their community.

This volume also contains the following short stories:

The Jilting of Jane

The Cone

The Stolen Bacillus

The Flowering of the Strange Orchid

In the Avu Observatory

Æpyornis Island

The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes

The Lord of the Dynamos

The Moth

The Treasure in the Forest

The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham

Under the Knife

The Sea Raiders

The Obliterated Man

The Plattner Story

The Red Room

The Purple Pileus

A Slip Under the Microscope

The Crystal Egg

The Star

The Man Who Could Work Miracles

A Vision of Judgement

Jimmy Goggles the God

Miss Winchelsea's Heart

A Dream of Armageddon

The Valley of Spiders

The New Accelerator

The Truth About Pyecraft

The Magic Shop

The Empire of the Ants

The Door in the Wall

The Country of the Blind

The Beautiful Suit