
Panczyszyn, Shauna Lynn
Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)
community , star wars , young adults , todrick hall , tumblr , social issues , twilight , cassandra clare , jerry holkins , tv shows , podcast , traditional art , deviantart , game , california crew , teens , lord of the rings series , j. r. r. tolkien , communities , hunger games trilogy , fanzine , robert franzese , j. k. rowling , fandoms , creative expressions , captain america , digital art , activities , play , , podfic , dwayne mcduffie , amazing stories , joseph cornell , cosplayer , us , videographers , gamer , filmmakers , doctor who , comics , fic writers , copyright laws , general , e. l. james , people of color , gender , harry potter series , supernatural , software , arthur conan doyle , hobbies , buffy vs edward: twilight remixed , poc (people of color) , fanvid , chaka cumberbatch , lin-manuel miranda , fandom: fic writers , steven universe , social studies , video , reddit , class , novel , diversity , binkk7 , movie , hobby , fan art , wattpad , sexuality , books , celebrity , rebecca sugar , shipping , crafts , gamers , archive of our own (ao3) , mike krahulik , video maker , kandy fong , writers , and cosplayers , allan kohl , youtube , comic con , henry jenkins , race , stephanie meyer , cosplayers , movies , vidders , felicia day , music , fanworks , costumes , twenty-first century books , game design , twenty first century books , fandom , young adult nonfiction , games , welcome to night vale , visual arts , nobuyuki takahashi , fanvids , sherlock holmes , fanfiction , webcomics , king arthur , rainbow rowell , role-playing games , pride and prejudice , hamilton: an american musical , science fiction , popular culture , new york times , cosplay , cultural studies , buffy the vampire slayer , lgbtq+ , kendra james , rudyard kipling , dungeons & dragons , dax exclamationpoint , hugo gernsback , fan artist , star trek , percy jackson series , anna todd , language arts , scrapbook , meme , digital paintings , tv show , video blogger , crafting , , artists , nonfiction , jacob janerka , trope , legend of korra , game modification , convention , craft , axanar
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Have you ever finished a book or TV series and wished for more? Created stories, art, or videos based on a game? Dressed up as your favorite character? If so, you've entered fandom. Fan writers expand and mix up stories, like sending the Star Trek crew to Hogwarts. Cosplayers sew Star Wars and Sailor Moon costumes, and fan filmmakers make music video tributes. Fans also enrich invented worlds with greater diversity, creating female and multiracial avatars for games peopled only with white male characters. Tour fandom's history and meet fan writers, video-makers, artists, costumers, and gamers who celebrate the things they love and shape fan communities online and in real life.

-- "Journal"